Calvary Youth

Young hearts knowing Jesus.

Calvary Youth

We hear it often, and it's true: young people are the future of the Church.

If we really believe it though, what are we doing about it? This is our answer.

Our youth group meets every week for bible study, prayer, small group discussion and personal discipleship as we seek to help prepare the hearts of our students for ministry and provide an example of godly living.

We believe that these young people are meant to love Jesus and live for Him, so our goal is to raise them up for the good works that God has prepared for them.

Meeting Times

Calvary Youth meets weekly on Sunday Nights at 6pm, here at the church. If you want to know more, or have any questions for our youth leaders, click the button below to get ahold of them.

What to Expect

Here's what you can expect when you show up for Youth Group:

  • A welcoming group of peers that will take you in and treat you like family
  • Leaders that are patient, caring, and available to listen
  • Verse-by-verse study of the Bible
  • Fun activities
  • Small groups for discussion, prayer and community-building.

We hope you'll join us, we can't wait to meet you!