Staff Card - Al Fredrich


Pastor Al is one of those Southern California transplants...

He was born and raised in San Diego, California and has now lived in the Pacific Northwest for over 25 years and for the last 18 years, Pastor Al and Elaine have called the Longview/Kelso area home. Pastor Al is married to his lovely wife Elaine of 35 years, they have 3 wonderful children and 6 grandchildren. 

Pastor Al got saved in 1989 at a men's conference in Anaheim, California.

"My brother had been sharing the Lord with me for about a year or so before I gave my life to Jesus at the men's conference. Growing up in a catholic home, I knew about God, but I knew nothing about the saving grace of Jesus Christ."

Once Al and Elaine surrendered their lives to Jesus, they told the Lord that they would follow Him whenever and wherever. The Lord eventually sent them north to rainy Vancouver, Washington where Elaine was born and raised. Having been called into the ministry even before he was saved (a story for another time), the Lord gave Al and Elaine opportunities to serve Him in several capacities as He readied them to fulfill His calling to begin a church in Cowlitz County.

While he doesn't always like the Pacific Northwest weather, one thing's for certain: Pastor Al loves the people here. He teaches from the pulpit the same message that Jesus taught: love for God, love for people, and repentance from sin.

Fun Facts!

Favorite Bible Verse • 2 Corinthians 5:17

Full Name  • Aloysius

Favorite Food  • Mexican

do you need to reach pastor al?